The moment when, poolside, dusk turns to nightfall, the robots come out, their laser beams reflect lovingly off the water and the sunglasses of your beloved.
Feel the breeze on your face, your chest, your sunburn smarts as your skin cools down from the long hot day. You're tired, in the best way, the way that somehow energizes you deeply.
Let's Stay by Hector Plimmer on Demo Taped Remixes (Concord) -
Nite Eye (feat. Sabrina Bellaouel & Loubenski) by Jimmy Whoo on Motel Music, Pt. 2 (Grand Ville) -
Never Ever (Sultan Shakes Re-Creation) by Royksopp feat. Susanne Sundfor on Never Ever (Remixes) (Dog Triumph) -
Long Time by Blondie on Long Time (Noble) -
Fayinkounko by Orchestra Baobab on Fayinkounko (World Circuit) -
Petals by TOPS on Petals (Arbutus) -
Just A Moment by Ondatropica on Baile Bucanero (Soundway) -
Que Me Duele? by Quantic, Nidia Gongora on Que Me Duele? (Tru Thoughts) -
Animal (Mark Ronson Remix) by Miike Snow on Animal Remixes (Universal) -
Nada Sera Como Antes by Elis Regina on Elis (Universal) -
Oba, La Vem Ela by Jorge Ben Jor on Salve Jorge (Universal) -
Celebration of Oggun (Yoruba Soul Remix) by Sunlightsquare on Turntables on the Caribbean (Control / Pizza Passport) -
Pretty Thoughts by Alina Baraz & Galimatias on Urban Flora EP (Ultra) -
Spain by Chick Corea on Light As A Feather (Verve) -
Marcel by Schimscheimer Family Trio on Broken Home (Schimscheimer Family Trio)