I picked up the Churchill record about a month ago not knowing how appropriate his WWII-era speeches would be this past week or two.
Too Late by Little Walter on Thunderbird (Syndicate Chapter) -
I Saw Them That Night by Moss on Horrible Night (Rise Above) -
Side A1.1-A1.7 by Various Bulgarian musicians on The Columbia World Library Of Folk And Primitive Music, Vol. XVII: Bulgaria (Columbia) -
Nostalgia / Over Your Dead Body / Long Gone (excerpt) by Nicholas Szczepanik on We Make Life Sad (WeMe) -
Untitled, In 6 Movements by William Cody Watson on Bill Murray (Bathetic) -
A1-A6.3 by Winston Churchill on The Voice Of Winston Churchill (Decca) -
Spiraculum Mortis by Celestial Bloodshed on Ω (Terratur Possessions) -
Black Tie by Svarte Greiner on Black Tie (Miasmah) -
Side B by Pope Paul VI on The First Papal Mass In America (Del Moral) -
Supreme Sacrilege by Terence Hannum on Impiety (Umor Rex) -
Cello & Wolf Pack No. 1 / Vihuela - Cello And Pack by Jim Nollman on Playing Music With Animals: Interspecies Communication Of Jim Nollman With 300 Turkeys, 12 Wolves And 20 Orcas (Folkways) -
The Whale Years by Mountains on Mountains Mountains Mountains (Catsup Plate) -
Dung N Kaheng by Unknown Serrehule musicians on African Flutes (Gambia) (Folkways) -
Ohio Bell Mystery by Raymond Scott on Three Willow Park (Electronic Music from Inner Space 1961–1971 (Basta) -
The Apartment by Giorgio Moroder on American Gigolo Soundtrack (Polydor) -
Forests (excerpt) by John Pfeiffer on Electronomusic - 9 Images (RCA Victrola) -
Look And Live, My Brother by Elizabeth Cotten on Elizabeth Cotten Vol. 2: Shake Sugaree (Folkways) -
Her Bones Rattle In The Wind / A Hollow Promise by Vukari on Matriach (Vendetta)