Back from a couple weeks off, sorry. That just means lots of new shit this time, though. Tossed in a few techno-leaning jams this time.
Due to its power, I try not to wield the seashells record often, so this is the first time I’ve busted it out for A Thick Mist. In case you need to hear the whole thing, I ripped it a while ago, which you can download here.
Also, if you only buy one drone record in the next few months, definitely make it Olli Aarni’s Nielu.
Meeting by NHK yx Koyxen on Exit Entrance (DFA) -
Hehkuva Tuuli by Olli Aarni on Nielu (Florabelle) -
Side B (excerpt) by R. Tucker Abbott on Pronouncing The Scientific Names Of Seashells Of North America (Delaware Museum Of Natural History) -
Pain/Power by City on A Goal Is An Image (Halcyon Veil) -
The Old Ones Are With Us by Wolves In The Throne Room on Thrice Woven (Artemesia) -
Very Lonesome Blues by Lonnie Johnson on Lonnie Johnson 1926-1940 (RST) -
Beansidhe by Áine O'Dwyer on Gallarais (MIE) -
Concert In The Haunted Palace: Rag Yamani by Ustad Vilayat Khan on The Guru Score (RCA Victor) -
Skin 1 by Emptyset on Skin (Thrill Jockey) -
Ashanti by Hexis on Tando Ashanti (Alerta Antifascista / Halo Of Flies) -
Ritual Geometry / Sympathetic Bodies by Byron Westbrook on Body Consonance (Hands In The Dark) -
The Beginning Of The Armadillos by Boris Karloff on More Of Kipling's Just So Stories (Caedmon) -
Au Point Du Jour (excerpt) by Elodie on Vieux Silence (Ideologic Organ) -
How Now by Philip Glass on How Now Strung Out (Orange Mountain Music) -
Variations In Heart Murmurs (excerpt) / Congenital Heart Murmurs (excerpt) by Stephen Ettinger on Canine Heart Sounds (EVSCO) -
At The House Of The Deceased by Peliang musicians on The Gamelan Of The Walking Warriors: Gamelan Beleganjur And The Music Of The Ngaben Funerary Ritual In Bali (Akuphone) -
Haunted House Blues by Mance Lipscomb on Mance Lipscomb Vol. 5 (Arhoolie)