chorus of radio waves within earth's atmosphere - nasa
"it's about time" tv series intro, 1966
mooji talking about a lack of inner space, 2011
message from space trailer, 1978
"first contact" written by murray leinster & aired on X minus one on october 6, 1955
recording from a flower rave, 2017
//cover art by shayna yasuhara
wheel by visible cloaks on lex (rvng) -
paradisia by bjork on utopia (one little indian) -
déjà vu by mort garson on ataraxia: the unexplained (electronic musical impressions of the occult) (rca) -
b u by okzharp & manthe ribane on tell your vision (hyperdub) -
géminis by ivy meadows on zodiac (moon glyph) -
the remote viewer by ocs on memory of a cut off head (castle face) -
three orbs of plant X by treasure hunt on space jam (moon glyph) -
dance pm by hiroshi yoshimura on music for nine postcards (empire of signs)