Being from the Northeast originally, I was feeling a bit nostalgic for snow after seeing my friend's photos online of the past weekend's snowstorm. So, I made a largely instrumental soundtrack to accompany snowfall. Thanks for listening!
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Omaha by Set Fire to Flames on Sings Reign Rebuilder (Alien8) -
The Fall of Winter by The Years on Years (Arts & Crafts) -
Snow by Hauschka on Foreign Landscapes (Fat Cat) -
Baltic Winds by Myrmyr on The Amber Sea (Digitalis) -
Steep Hills of Vicodin Tears by A Winged Victory for the Sullen on A Winged Victory for the Sullen (Kranky) -
Coastal Road Thoughts by Solo Andata on Fyris Swan (Hefty) -
Opus 35 by Dustin O'Halloran on Piano Solos Vol. 2 (Splinter) -
Stirring Furnace by Tracker on Blankets (FILMguerrero) -
Simulacrumbs Licking the Future by The Wind-Up Bird on The Wind-Up Bird (Translucence/Alone) -
Ashen Snow by The Dirty Three on Toward the Low Sun (Drag City) -
Requiem for a Fox by Polmo Polpo on Like Hearts Swelling (Constellation) -
Even (Out) + by Stars of the Lid on And Their Refinement of the Decline (Kranky) -
Tomorrow Winter Comes by Hrsta on Ghosts Will Come And Kiss Our Eyes (Constellation) -
Winterbloom by Dan Misha Goldman, ft. Daniela Gesundheit on Champion of the Afterworld (Forward) -
Christmas Song by Mogwai on EP+2 (Matador/Chemikal Underground) -
Think by Do Make Say Think on Other Truths (Constellation) -
The Snow Melted, It Was Goodnight by Talkdemonic on Mutiny Sunshine (Lucky Madison) -
Open Mouth by Kaki King on Dreaming of Revenge (Velvour) -
Tule Rush/Tule Mind by Andrew Weathers Ensemble on Build a Mountain Where Our Bodies Fall (Full Spectrum) -
Cold Things Never Catch Fire by The Six Parts Seven on Things Shaped in Passing (Suicide Squeeze) -
NY Snowglobe by Rachel's on Systems/Layers (Quarterstick)