We interviewed Ivan Mayorquin and el Barbon to talk about the Street Art, Design and Illustration scene in Mexico and Latin America.
We talked a little about Pictoline, Domestika, NFGraphics and all these graphic artists:
From México:
- Smithe
- Fernando Bueno
- Raul Pardo
- Violeta Hernandez
- Diana Peredo
- It's a living - Ricardo Gonzalez
- El Profe
- Pogo
From Argentina:
From the United States:
From Chile:
And we talked about the Netflix show "It's the end of the fucking world" and how good the comic from Charles S. Forsman it is.
Come Be Me by Helado Negro on Island Universe Story Four - Break
Transeunte Coracão by Ava Rocha - Break
Beladona by Stendal on Stendal - Break
Norte by Little Jesus - Break
Yo Soy Mi Propio Lunes (Ataud) by LNG SHT - Break
Fanny Dog by Ty Segall on Freedom's Goblin -
Cerro Colorado by Policias y Ladrones - Break
Renault Fuego by Las Ligas Menores -
Veneno de Serpiente - Single by Los Nastys -
Sunnyside by Cuco (self-released) - Break
Foimal by Boogarins on Lá Vem a Morte -
Marsha by Neuman on Crashpad -
Secret Place by The Zephyr Bones on Secret Place -
Ha Sido by Los Blenders on Ha Sido -
Invisible/Amenaza by Pional on Invisible/Amenaza -
Hot Pants Road by Boogaloo Combo