hello, cheetle.
light one up cuz tonight's show is a bit dark, a little hazy, and you just might bump into something and scratch your face, kinda.
san francisco has been sunny AF and while amber has been very much enjoying tanning her hide and swimming in the great outdoors, it's time to crawl back into the cave. prepare yourself for droning numbers and psychedelic shredding.
the playlist will rock stuffs like lumerians, thee oh sees, singapore sling, dead moon, and the myrrors.
also, the sea witches will be in studio.
get busted.
the cheetles
dead man's gun by Thee Oh Sees on a weird exits (Castle Face) -
emotion by Curls on vante ep (urban scandal records) -
vanity by total control on laughing at the system (alter) -
summertime by death valley girls on glow in the dark (burger) -
dead moon night by dead moon on unknown passage (tombstone records) -
it's up to you by dead ghosts on love and death and all the rest (burger) -
organ mantra by the myrrors on hasta la victoria (beyond is beyond is beyond) -
drop out by white hills & gnod on gnod drop out with white hills II (rocket recordings) -
burning mirrors by lumerians on transmalinnia (knitting factory records) -
lady godiva's operation by ulrika spacek on everything: all the time (tough love records) -
ancient echoes by eternal tapestry on beyond the 4th (thrill jockey records) -
staring at the sun by Wooden Shjips (Thrill Jockey) -
scum scum scum by singapore sling on kill kill kill (songs about nothing) (fuzz club) -
Mind Daze by Psychic Ills on Hazed Dream (sacred bones) -
bad vibrations by the black angels on Phosphene Dream (Blue Horizon) -
Baby in Blue Jeans by L.A. WITCH on Baby in Blue Jeans (Suicide Squeeze) -
All Yours by Widowspeak on All Yours (Captured Tracks) -
Let Me Be Your Light by Black Ryder on The Door Behind The Door (The Anti-Machine Machine) -
Cranekiss by Tamaryn on Crane Kiss (Mexican Summer) -
Kill My Baby Tonight by L.A. Witch on Kill My Baby Tonight (Suicide Squeeze Records)