INTERVIEW: Zoo Labs' AIR Yusuf Siddiquee with Baqvas

Brooklyn based artist Yusuf Siddiquee is Zoo Labs' Artist in Residence! Tune in as he steps into the studios with Baqvas to discuss music making, art, identity, et plus.

FB: Master Softee (aka Yusuf Siddiquee)

Soundcloud: Yusuf Siddiquee


Mipsters Youtube

The Field Between -- A Mipsterz online publication

Zoo Labs Music Residency: Release Day Party (Friday March 2; 8:30pm)


  1. Maja by Yusuf Siddiquee on Softee (MIPSTERZ)
  2. Twist That Knife (Master Softee Remix) by The Kominas on Stereotype (Self Released)