The new Hell record finally got pressed to vinyl, the new Mount Eerie record landed, and I had a good time mixing a speech from the founder of transcendental meditation with a Sikh morning prayer and the drone of Yoshi Wada's homemade bagpipe.
Eggs And Marrowbone by Winifred Smith on Folk Songs Of The South (RCA Victor) -
Electric Blend by Sandy Bull on E Pluribus Unum (Vanguard) -
Triumvir Foul by Hedonistic Prayer - The Abhorrent Depths Of Perversion on Triumvir Foul (Vrasubatlat) -
Side B (excerpt) by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on The Seven States Of Consciousness (World Pacific) -
Bagpipe (excerpt) by Yoshi Wada on The Lament For The Rise And Fall Of The Elephantine Crocodile (EM Records / Edition Omega Point) -
Now Only by Mount Eerie on Now Only (P.W. Elverum & Sun) -
Hell by Helmzmen on Hell (LowerYourHead) -
Untitled (B4 & B5) by Neuter River on Neuter River (Important) -
Rag Bairami by Essa Kassimi on Le Luth Afghan (Arion) -
Side B by William C. Kuzell on Osteoporosis: The Most Prevalent Bone Disease (Ciba Pharmaceutical Products Inc.) - Break
What Are They Doing In Heaven Today? by Washington Phillips on Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams (Dust To Digital) -
Good Friday by Jean & Lee Schilling on Porches Of The Poor (Traditional)