a mixture of ace used and new vinyl i picked up from a recent shopping spree at Amoeba on Haight, leaning on a '96 bass and jungle tip, plus a great selection of new extreme computer music!
Snooker Authority by DJプチプチ on Misapplications (Conditional) -
Dish Washing by Proc Fiskal on Insula -
0004AA by Bamboo on AA0004 (FLUF) -
W4MPW4MP by aNTOJE on TUJ TAPE (Visit http://elserenorecords.bandcamp.com) -
- by Christoph De Babalon -
- by Accelera Deck on Conviction & Crack (555 Recordings) -
Pressure by Solo Featuring J.T. on Pressure (Mo Wax Excursions) -
368ft High & Rising by Sully on Soundboy Don't Push Your Luck / 368ft High & Rising -
Tears Of The Righteous 2 by TNT Roots on Mighty In Battle / Tears Of The Righteous (Visit http://bokehversions.bandcamp.com) -
Fog by Flame 1 on Fog / Shrine -
Locomotive by Kronodigger on ENC032 - KRONODIGGER (Visit http://buyencryptedaudio.bandcamp.com) -
Gremlinz by Rezzett on Rezzett LP -
Arp 2600 by Chevel on Always Yours -
- by BCPL -
00-I/0(I) by exm|mitoma on I/0 DISC (Visit http://kaer-uiks.bandcamp.com) -
Softfeel Fun by Richard on Pocket Protection (Visit http://shop.conditional.club) -
Kloink Media by Qebo on Wroln 2018 (Visit http://detund.bandcamp.com) -
Fuck You Oscar by Powell (XL Recordings) -
Pure Amethyst by Q'D on WO-QD01 (Wild Oats) -
Enjoy Your Pattern by Dan Habernam on Enjoy Your Pattern EP (Idle Hands) -
King L by CLYDE on My Brain & Other Animals (Visit http://domeofdoom.bandcamp.com) -
Ceremonial Eating Dog by Equiknoxx on Colon Man (DDS) -
Things Won't Change by TRP on Things Won't Change (Lobster Theremin)