Happy finale Friday of April! I have a host of new and old tunes ranging from Karen Meat, Laura Veirs, Elton John vs. Pnau, Ben Folds Five, Foxygen and many others. The show is dedicated to my old and dear amiga friend, Kate Bennett, whose birthday is on April 30th.
Make Me Feel by Janelle Montae on Pynk -
Dogs Got a Bone by The Beta Band on The Three EPs -
You're Just A Baby by Belle & Sebastian on Tigermilk -
Brown Eyed Girl by Reel Big Fish on Fame, Fortune, And Fornication -
Bros by Wolf Alice on My Love Is Cool -
Kimchi by Formidable Vegetable Sound System on Grow Do It -
Paranoia Candy Blues by Pablo Pacheco & boom boom kid -
La Flor by Mataplantas on Escape Del Planeta Viviente -
Warned You by Good Morning on Shawcross -
Foreign Fields by Elton John vs Pnau on Good Morning To The Night -
Shuggie by Foxygen on We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic -
Before the World Was Big by Girlpool -
Kate by Ben Folds Five -
My Sweet Midwest by Fruit Bats on Absolute Loser -
End of the Movie by Cake on Pressure Chief -
It Is What It Is by Blood Orange on Cupid Deluxe -
You Dreamt by MIEN -
Moon by Bjork on bastards -
Mountains of the Moon by Laura Veirs on The Lookout -
Heatwave by Touch A.C. & Dr. Dundiff on Death -
Black Magic by Jarvis Cocker -
Why? by Karen Meat on You're an Ugly Person