Superior Viaduct


  1. Friends of Mine by Avengers (Superior Viaduct)
  2. I Hate the Rich by The Dils (Superior Viaduct)
  3. Sex by The Urinals (Superior Viaduct)
  4. All Sexed Up by 100 Flowers on 100 Flowers (Superior Viaduct)
  5. Diggin' My Grave by Flesh Eaters on A Minute to Pray, A Second to Die (Superior Viaduct)
  6. For the Love of Ivy by Gun Club on Fire of Love (Superior Viaduct)
  7. New New by DNA (Superior Viaduct)
  8. 1986 by Harry Pussy on Harry Pussy (Superior Viaduct)
  9. Honey by Spacemen 3 on Playing with Fire (Superior Viaduct)
  10. Dream Baby Dream by Suicide (Superior Viaduct)
  11. 36A3 by John Bender on I Don't Remember Now, I Don't Want To Talk About It (Superior Viaduct)
  12. Energia by Franco Battiato on Fetus (Superior Viaduct)
  13. Jet Girl by Heldon on Interface (Superior Viaduct)
  14. No Tears by Tuxedomoon (Superior Viaduct)
  15. High Pressure Days by The Units on Digital Stimulation
  16. Playing One's Own Piano by World of Pooh on Land of Thirst
  17. Sweet Enemy by Peter Ivers on Terminal Love
  18. Old Mean Ed Gain by The Fibonaccis on Civilization and its Discotheques
  19. カフェ・ド・サヰコ by Guernica (ゲルニカ) on 改造への躍動
  20. 好き好き大好き by Jun Togawa [戸川 純] on Suki Suki Daisuki (好き好き大好き)
  21. Vacuous Pack Travel by Mizutama Shobodan [水玉消防団] on 乙女の祈りはダッダッダッ
  22. Automatic Fru. by Friction on Friction
  23. つるつるの壷 by Inu on メシ喰うな!
  24. The Hook and the Wire by Dog Faced Hermans on Hum of Life
  25. Walking the Talking Channel by Desperate Bicycles on Remorse Code
  26. Young's Man World by The Astronauts on Pranksters In Revolt
  27. Road to Somewhere by Mark Beer on Dust on the Road
  28. LSM Confidence by Linda Smith on ?
  29. Horrible Echo In Space by Amos and Sara on Invite to Endless Latino
  30. Second Skin by Hugo Largo on Drum
  31. Window by Dark Day on Window
  32. Деклассированным Элементам by Yanka on На Чёрный День