I think this was an especially good episode, the doom raga mixed with flute raga, the death of rave mixed with Tibetan bells, musique concrète with summer camp field recordings, the new Mizmor, the new Anna Von Hausswolff, master McDowell, and a new-to-me collaboration between Leila Abdul-Rauf and Tor Lundvall. 100% excellent.
Quiet Seaside by Leila Abdul-Rauf & Tor Lundvall on Ibis / Quiet Seaside (Dais) -
This Unabating Wakefulness by Mizmor on This Unabating Wakefulness (Gilead Media) -
Gnonon Gue by Lago Antoine on Assalam Aleikoum Africa Volume 2 (Antilles) -
Raga Bhupali Part 1 by Sachdev on Raga Bhupali (Unity) -
Cascadia by Tecumseh on Avalanche And Inundation (Important) -
Källans Återuppståndelse by Anna Von Hausswolff on Dead Magic (City Slang) -
Berserker by Eigenlicht on Self-Annihilating Consciousness (Gilead Media) -
Riflery / Last Campfire by No artist on The Sounds Of Camp (Folkways) -
U.S. Highball by Harry Partch on Untitled (RRRip) -
Red Cross Store by Fred McDowell & Johnny Woods on Eight Years Ramblin’ (Revival) -
A Choir Of Bells by Henry Wolff & Nancy Hennings on Tibetan Bells (Antilles) -
Marple Libradome '91 / Smithy & Dave The Rave / Big Eddie's Van - Bowlers Car Park by Leyland Kirby presents V/Vm on The Death Of Rave (A Partial Flashback) (History Always Favours The Winners) -
Shift Hand Woman by Brigth Engelberts And The B.E. Movement on Tolambo Funk (Hot Casa)