Tina by Spencer Radcliffe & Everyone Else on If I Knew How (Self) -
Cave Raised by Vital Idles on Left Hand (Upset! The Rhythm) -
Don't Leave It in Our Hands by The Essex Green on Hardly Electronic (Merge) -
Ship the Rocks Back by Dog Chocolate on Moody Balloon Baby (Upset! The Rhythm) -
Broke My Own by Shannon Shaw on Shannon in Nashville (Nonesuch) -
Breakfast for 2 by SadGirl on Breafast for 2 EP (Suicide Squeeze) -
Bad Timing by Phantastic Ferniture on Phantastic Ferniture (Polyvinyl) -
Chanceuse by Halo Maud on Je Suis Une Ile (Heavenly/PAIS) -
S by Julian on Real Distance (Fire Talk) -
Mechanical Bull by Stella Donnelly on Thrush Metal (Healthy Tapes) -
Creature of Habit by Dear Nora on Skulls Example (Ordinal) -
Anything You Want by Spoon on Girls Can Tell (Merge) -
Are You Real by Mini Dresses on Mini Dresses (Joy Void) -
Lunching Alone by Blush on Blush (Arrowhawk) -
Capable Type by Momma on Interloper (Danger Collective) -
How Many Times Have You Driven By by Hana Vu on How Many Times Have You Driven By (Luminelle) -
You're Confused by F INGERS on Awkwardly Blissing Out