Episode 21: DJ4AM Hosts, DJ Sticky Ricardo Guests

Stic is in the house!!! Also, I love the new Gurp City song... stay tuned!!!


  1. Jame$ Wordy by Folklore Legend & DJ4AM are Rich Mahogany on unreleased (unreleased)
  2. Live on KZSU 2004 by Dopestyle 1231 (MC Dopestyle, TomC3, DJ4AM) on air check (unreleased)
  3. Medley of Tracks by Ving Thor The Hurler on multiple (bandcamp)
  4. Backstabbers by Suga-T on It's All Good (Sick Wid It)
  5. Rather Be by Gurp City (Megakut)
  6. Taking These (DJ4AM Mixxx) by The Coup on Bootleg Edits 4 DJs (The Vampire On A Pony Network)
  7. Live Improvisation at Amnesia SF recorded by DJ Marloca by DJ4AM, The Lake Millions, Moe!, Phillip Greenleaf, Henry Plotnick on unreleased (unreleased)
  8. '93 Til Infinity (DJ4AM Digable Planets Blend) by Souls Of Mischief on Bootleg Edits 4 DJs (The Vampire On A Pony Network)
  9. Being W U / Lyrics 2 Go (DJ4AM Blenddddd) by Smokey Robinson vs. ATCQ on Bootleg Edits 4 DJs (The Vampire On A Pony Network)
  10. live in the mixxx by DJ Sticky Ricardo on live (here and now)