Quite the ravey acid start to this week's show with trax from gayphextwin, Aphex Twin, GHOSTWERK, Jung An Tagen, Lauren Flax, before we hit the midpoint algorave, with PLOM, W00DY, Peter Maximowitsch, and Forces, then ease out with DJ Sacred, Slim Steve, Shinichi Atobe. All this and more...!
get in!
Bathroom (gayphextwin Remix) by Lily Ackerman on Weiter EP (Visit http://perfectlocation.bandcamp.com) -
1st 44 by Aphex Twin on Collapse EP (Warp) -
Busy Get Busy by Refreshers on How Bout U? (Visit http://refreshers.bandcamp.com) -
GHOST IN THE SHELL by GHOSTWERK on SHADOW FUNCTION+ (Visit http://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com) -
Narrow Slits by Jung An Tagen on Residency Tape 1: Jung An Tagen (Visit http://mmodemm.bandcamp.com) -
Rimshot by DJ Hyperactive on Analog 06 Midwest Acid Harvest (Visit http://analog-records.bandcamp.com) -
It's Ours by Lauren Flax on Dance Trax Vol.16 (Visit http://unknowntotheunknown.bandcamp.com) -
Harmonic Rain by Ribé on NONPLUS045 - Harmonic Rain EP (Visit http://nonplusrecords.bandcamp.com) -
The Plaque by Giant Swan on Whities 016 (Visit http://whities.bandcamp.com) -
0017A by PLOM on AA0017 (Visit http://flufrecs.bandcamp.com) -
Hell by W00DY on Relentless Kickdrum (Visit http://w00dy.bandcamp.com) -
SpotMini by Forces on Dynamics (Visit http://shop.conditional.club) -
EREG_chimera by Peter Maximowitsch on CODE903 (Visit http://co-dependent.bandcamp.com) -
I Wish You Would by DJ Sacred on Sacred Mixes Vol. IV "Magnum Opus" (Visit http://djsacred.bandcamp.com) -
I Was Eatin Fried Chips (Cioccoabiocco Mix) by Slim Steve on Fundraising EP (Visit http://slimsteve.bandcamp.com) -
So Good So Right by Shinichi Atobe on Heat (DDS) -
Johnny Longneck by Doppelate on It's Nice Here (Visit http://xkalay.com) -
Veles (NWAQ 451 Dub) by Don't DJ on All Love Affairs Fail but They Never End -
MARZIPAN by Jock Club on MYSTERIOUS RUINS (Visit http://jockclub.bandcamp.com) -
Saved My Life (Tres Amigo mix) by Lil Louis and The World