I'm back! Again. I fucked up my back by sitting around all day a few weeks ago and couldn't stand or walk or anything.
But hey there's new Jute Gyte! New Ragana! New Jasmine Guffond! New Inexorum! New Caretaker! New Embassador Dulgoon!
There's also a new pressing of the Jonestown massacre released by TPOS and I've heard it a bunch of times and I know how harrowing it is but every time I hear it it's like I'm hearing it for the first time and I just get fucking devastated all over again. So I thought it would be ok to play that during a normal (i.e. non-Halloween/horror) episode but that might have been a mistake. So for those of you not looking to totally ruin your day, skip from about 00:30 to 01:00. However, it does go perfectly alongside the newest Caretaker release. And the Fear Falls Burning/Sunn O))) pairing is pretty excellent as well.
Driving Saw Logs On The Plover by Pierre La Dieu on Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard (Tompkins Square) -
The Norms That Author The Self Render The Self Substitutable by Jute Gyte on Oviri (Jeshimoth Entertainment) -
Tangtakore by Unknown Pushtu musicians on Folk Music Of Pakistan (Folkways) -
You’ve Got To Stop Drinking Shine by Gid Tanner on Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard (Tompkins Square) -
Climbing The Golden Stairs by Happy Hour on Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard (Tompkins Square) -
Sudden Time Regression Into Isolation by The Caretaker on Everywhere At The End Of Time - Stage 5 (History Always Favours The Winners) -
Side B by Reverend Jim Jones on Last Sermon At The Peoples Temple, Jonestown Guyana 11/19/78 (TPOS) -
Triassic Persuasion / Daedalean Escapades by Embassador Dulgoon on Hydrorion Remnants (Nonlocal Research / Psychic Sounds) -
Inviolate by Ragana on Let Our Names Be Forgotten (An Out) -
Unknown Serbian, Grecian, Turkish, Armenian, Jordanian, & Syrian musicians by C1-C3 on Folk Instruments Of The World (Follett Publishing Company) -
Part II by Jasmine Guffond on Degradation Loops (Karlrecords) -
Secret Society Drums by Unknown Bini (Southern Nigeria) musicians on African Music (Folkways) -
Side C (excerpt) by Maurice Evans, Lucile Watson, & Margaret Webster (Director) on The Importance Of Being Earnest (Continental) -
Kentucky Holiness Singers by I'm On My Way on Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard (Tompkins Square) -
bassAliens by Sunn O))) on White 2 (Southern Lord) -
I’m One Of Those Monsters... by Fear Falls Burning on I’m One Of Those Monsters Numb With Grace (Equation) - Break
Let Pain Be Your Guide by Inexorum on Lore Of The Lakes (Gilead Media)