Let's listen to some of the Halloweeny-ist Punk and New wave songs from Japan! Discover and rock out to Auto-Mod, SUSAN, Katra Turana and more!
Untitled by The Nurse on ナース (The Nurse) (Incest Records) -
Stentor-song by Katra Turana on Kimera (Telegraph Records ) -
砂漠のマリアンヌ (Marianne in the desert) by Manekineko Kagekidan 招き猫カゲキ団 on 第一歌曲集 (Telegraph Records) -
Smile by Chakra on Satekoso (Wax Records) -
Narcissa by Imitation on Muscle and Heat (Kitty Records) -
Je t'aime-哀しきマリオネット by Mariko Fuji on Abura-Cadabura (Continental) -
Idol Era by Sandii on Eating Pleasure (Alfa) -
Focus by Yellow Magic Orchestra on Naughty Boys (Alfa Music, Inc.) -
Animaroido・MVⅡ~Tragic-Comèdie~ by Apogee & Perigee on Ultra spacetime Corodaster (Yen Records) -
うわきなパラダイス急行 (Wowing Paradise Express) (Chick Habit Cover lol!!!) by Mariko Fuji on Abura-Cadabura (Continental) -
おとうさん (Otousan) by Amaryllis on おとうさん (Amaryllis Records) -
乾いた夜 (Kawaita Yoru) by Auto-Mod on Requiem (Telegraph Records) -
アーント・サリー (Aunt Sally) by Aunt Sally on Aunt Sally (Vanity Records) -
Time Machine by Cheebo on Paradise Lost (SMS Records) -
Bye Bye Birdie by SPY on SPY (Invitation) -
Screamer by SUSAN on Do You Believe In Mazic (EPIC) -
You Need Me by Chakra on Satekoso (Wax Records) -
すべて売り物 (Subete urimono) (All For Sale) by Aunt Sally on Aunt Sally (Vanity Records) -
Electric Generation by Cheebo on Paradise Lost (SMS Records) -
A Beast In Your Head by Bárbara on Holy! Holy! (City Rocker Records) -
Indentical Nightmare by Auto-Mod on Requiem (Telegraph Records) -
ナース by The Nurse on ナース (Incest Records) -
From Here To Eternity by Bárbara on Holy! Holy! (City Rocker Records) -
ファーストクラス・ハネムーン (First Class · Honeymoon) by SPY on SPY (Invitation) -
Men's Junan by YAPOOS on ダイヤルYを廻せ! (Turn the dial Y!) (Planet Earth) -
Dream Of You by SUSAN on Do You Believe In Mazic (EPIC) -
BALLET by YMO on BGM (Alfa)