techno algorithms, get in!
Bump by ZULI on Terminal (UIQLP003) (UIQ) -
Sentik Pin by Richard Devine on Sort\Lave (Planet Mu) -
A machine that is trapped in the Frankfurt's by Machine Woman on Residency Tape 2: Machine Woman (Visit http://mmodemm.bandcamp.com) -
Owl by General Ludd on DBA039.5 (Visit http://dontbeafraid.bandcamp.com) -
3- 1 by Calum Gunn on Live coding alrededor del sol (Visit http://iclc2017.bandcamp.com) -
buffer drips by Kindohm on Live coding alrededor del sol (Visit http://iclc2017.bandcamp.com) -
SC_171101_174337 by Moxus on Live coding alrededor del sol (Visit http://iclc2017.bandcamp.com) -
Tonight It Feels Like Spain by THE REMOTE VIEWER on Us In Happier Times -
Verbose by Jeswa on Skone (Visit http://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com) -
Murda Thang Pt. 2 by DJ Sacred on Sacred Mixes Vol. IV "Magnum Opus" (Visit http://djsacred.bandcamp.com) -
Boy Paint by Young Paint on Young Paint (Werk_Ltd) -
Subarctic Baltasound by North Sea Dialect on Local Guide (Numbers) -
Shoal by Jake Muir on Lady's Mantle (Visit http://jakemuir.bandcamp.com) -
Hi / by DJPUPPY on Nocturnal Idiot / 夜行馬鹿 (Visit http://ukiukiatama.bandcamp.com) -
Six by Vladislav Delay on untitled - circa 2014 (Visit http://vladislavdelay.bandcamp.com) -
Pointimal6 by Daniel Katinsky -
Clubjammerz by Bakground on Clubjammerz (Visit http://lobstertheremin.com)