Finally get to spin the new Fórn record which is absolutely crushing. And I'm kinda surprised at how well the cantorials worked alongside Hail's arctic ambient.
Weary Blues by Doc Watson on Doc Watson & Son (Vanguard) -
Auraboros / Scrying Below The Wolf Moon / The Ancient Wisdom Of Sorrow by Fórn on Rites Of Despair (Gilead Media) -
La Plegaria A Un Labrador (Prayer To A Laborer) by Victor Jara on Vientos Del Pueblo (Monitor) -
Devils Work by Ofege on The Last Of The Origins (Tidal Waves) -
The Space Between by Joanna Brouk on Hearing Music (Numero Group) -
B3-B9 by George Jean Nathan read by Julie Haydon Nathan on The New American Credo (Folkways) -
Ångermanländska Bilder by Maria W. Horn on Kontrapoetik (Portals / XKatedral) -
Shock by Fear Factory on Obsolete (Music On Vinyl) -
Exit by Hail on Frozen Grave (Pesanta Urfolk) -
L'el Boruch by Cantor Samuel Malavsky & Family Choir on Cantorial Masterpieces (Tikva) -
Wildwood Flower by Obray Ramsey on Blue Ridge Banjo (Washington) -
Eh Massina Sintadoben by Tinariwen on Amassakoul (Modern Classics) -
Shinpenkitokusen by Sugai Ken on Tele-N-Tech-Da (Discrepant) - Break
Everything Ends by Glenn Jones on The Giant Who Ate Himself (Thrill Jockey) -
The Eggs Are Hatching by Blattaria on Blattaria (Fallen Empire)