Donovan Jackson is a freshman studying psychology at San Francisco State and a DJ and rapper. We wanted to get his perspective as an 18 year old just starting to look into the field of psychology.
A Report To The Shareholders : Kill Your Masters by Run The Jewels on Run the Jewels 3 (Run The Jewels, Inc) - Break
Voice in Headphones by Mount Eerie on Lost Wisdom (P.W. Elverum & Sun) -
Undo by Bjork on Vespertine (One Little Indian Records) - Break
Pouring Rain by Emmit Fenn, Vic Mensa on Pouring Rain (TH3RD BRAIN) -
Final Fantasy by Szgs on Final Fantasy (self released) - Break
Can't Say Bootleg by Szgs on Can't Say Bootleg (self released) - Break
Eat Yourself by Goldfrapp on Seventh Tree (Mute Records) -
Youwouldn'tlikemewheni'mangry by Thom Yorke on Youwouldn'tlikemewhenI'mangry (XL)