A Thick Mist (January 28, 2019)

Holy hell that break was too long. Sorry about that. Anyway, lots of good stuff in this episode. Especially fond of the debut Clavicvla record on Sentient Ruin.


  1. Mesopotamia by Bruce Licher on Open Strings (Honest Jon's)
  2. Belzeebut Invocat / MA by Clavicvla on Sermons (Sentient Ruin)
  3. A Cold Cell by Trepaneringsritualen on A Knife In Sound (Ant Zen / Rabbau)
  4. Prozession Part 1 by Karlheinz Stockhausen on Prozession (Candide)
  5. BBC Radio Newsreel Overseas Service, May 5, 1945 by no artist on Concentration Camp Horrors (Radiola)
  6. In Search Of Nikolai Fedorov: Triune God by Carlos Casas on Pyramid Of Skulls (Discrepant)
  7. Kirast / Walnut Interlude / Dicycles by Cevdet Erek on Davul (Subtext)
  8. Taxim Hidjaz by Tanbouri Ibrahim Bey Adham on Open Strings (Honest Jon's)
  9. Antarcticans Thawed by Sleep on The Sciences (Third Man)
  10. Resonance Shapes by Lea Bertucci on Resonance Shapes (Obsolete Units / Cibachrome Editions)
  11. Break
  12. Rizitiko / A Dance by Tasos Stamou on Musique Con Crète (Discrepant)