Sounds In The Dark is on a short hiatus for vacation.
Tonight's edition features new music from William Tyler, Matmos, New York United, Feisel and Hertz, longform synth awesomeness from Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, and 38 minutes of an experimental music supergroup.
Venusin Aquarius - William Tyler - GoesWest - Merge (2019)
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SiliconeGel Implant - Matmos - PlasticAnniversary - Thrill Jockey (2019)
EastFlatbush - New York United - NewYork United - 577 records (2019)
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Abstractions - KaitlynAurelia Smith - Abstractions - Touchtheplants (2018)
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The Lighthouse - Feiseland Hertz - The Lighthouse - Aural Films (2018)
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Between - Deupree, Fisher, Date, Scott and Fuller - Between - KESH (2012)
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TheWhite Light - Tomaga - Music ForVisual Disorders - meakusma (2018)