Life After Love by Jio on TFW (Quiet Time Tapes) -
Anata by Visible Cloaks, Yoshio Ojima & Satsuki Shibano on serenitatem (RVNG Intl.) -
Sky Kisses (на танцполе) by Kedr Livansky on Your Need (2MR) -
Existing Closer or Deeper in Space by Earthen Sea on Grass And Trees (Kranky) -
The Pilot (Part 1) by Davy Kehoe on The Pilot (Wah Wah Wino) -
Safe House by Joni Void on Mise En Abyme (Constellation) -
Áve Giove by UCC Harlo on United (Multiverse) -
Judgement to the World by Prurient on Wrapped in the Flame of Illusion, Masked in the Clay of Behavior (Dais Records) -
Dyscamupia (Forward) by Lucy on Dyscamupia (Stroboscopic Artefacts) -
Gauzy by Debit on Animus (NAAFI) -
Fool If (Jay Glass Dubs Rework) by Jabu on Jabu Remixes (Young Echo Records) -
Incineration of Thoughts by BZMC on Voyage Sacrifice (Shelter Press) -
Symbiogenesis by Marja Ahti on Vegetal Negatives (Hallow Ground) -
Perfumes III by Sarah Davachi on Pale Bloom (W.25TH) -
We Trigger the Sun by Fennesz on Agora (Touch) -
You never were by Tim Hecker on Anoyo (Kranky) -
Peaceful Tigress by Celestino on Lived In (Room40) -
Captive Witness (Smoke Inscription) by Aaron Martin on A Room Now Empty (Preserved Sound) -
The Stand by Only Now on Eternal Binding (Self-released)