Elements by Rainer Veil on Vanity (Modern Love) -
Jazz D by AAAA on Jazz D (Omnidisc) -
Morph 21 by OL on Dismeteo (Motion Ward) -
Living Space by Earthen Sea on Grass and Trees (Kranky) -
Medicine by Debit on SYSTEM (NAAFI) -
Ego Will Collapse by Tadleeh on Ego Will Collapse (Yegorka) -
For Arta by Sote on Amateur Vampires (Opal Tapes) -
Pig Symphony by Alex Twomey on The Entertainer (Recital) -
Paumalu by Mike Cooper on Rayon Hula (Room40) -
Blue As In Bleeding by 9T & Siavash Amini on Harmistice (Hallow Ground) -
Near Future by Lifted on 2 (PAN) -
Kaptoxa (feat. Mary Lattimore & Jon Leland) by Kaspi & Stride on Leanings (Soda Gong) -
Berg by Biosphere on The Senja Recordings (Biophon) -
You Have To Have Eyes by Felicia Atkinson on The Flower & The Vessel (Shelter Press) -
The Assemblage Point by Imaginary Softwoods on Gold Fiction Loop Garden (Field Records) -
Black Pitch by Rafael Anton Irisarri on Solastalgia (Room40) -
A Recollection Of The Disappeared by Siavash Amini on Serus (Room40) -
Midnight Sun by Viviankrist on Cross Modulation (Diagonal) -
Sleeping Sickness by Basic House on Amateur Vampires (Opal Tapes) -
Movement I-IV by Seekersinternational on The Guncontrolla (ICS Library)