I was going to make this week's mixtape back-to-school themed.... but I wasn't feeling it (as, I'm guessing, many who are headed back to school this week probably aren't feeling it either). Instead, since I've recently been devouring novels (and comics), I've dedicated this week's (mostly) instrumental playlist to the spaces we carve – out of time and place – for reading. Enjoy!
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Part 4 by Matthew De Gennaro on A Guide For The Perplexed (Epigonic) -
Gur Bòidheach Nighean Donn Mo Chridhe by Brighde Chaimbuel on The Reeling (River Lea) -
Return To Portland by Lau on Midnight And Closedown (Reveal) -
Foreign Fields by This is How we Fly on Foreign Fields (Playing with Music) -
Beyond The Valley by Valley Of The Giants on Valley of the Giants (Arts & Crafts) -
Painovoimaa, valoa by Lau Nau on Nukkuu (Locust) -
Deep Waters by Dirty Three on Ocean Songs (Touch and Go) -
Welcome, Ghosts (Adem Mix) by Explosions In The Sky on All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone [Disc 2] (Temporary Residence) -
Boga by amiina on Kurr (Bláskjár) -
Protection by Penguin Cafe on The Imperfect Sea (Erased Tapes) -
Local Authority by Mogwai on The Hawk Is Howling (Matador/Chemikal Underground) -
So Much For So Little by Kaki King on Dreaming Of Revenge (Velour) -
Going Forth by Day by Colleen on The Weighing of the Heart (Second Language) -
Scarab by Sarah Louise on VDSQ Acoustic Series Volume 12 (VDSQ) -
Carolina Lady by House and Land on Across The Field (Thrill Jockey) -
Dance of the Everlasting Faint by Gwenifer Raymond on You Never Were Much Of A Dancer (Tompkins Square) -
Rubies, Pearls, And Emeralds by Tin Hat Trio on The Rodeo Eroded (Ropeadope/Atlantic) -
Hymn for the New World by emilywells on This World Is Too _____ for You [Explicit] (self released) -
As Far As The Eye Can See by Do Make Say Think on Stubborn Persistent Illusions (Constellation)