Featuring brand new Lawrence English, Wolf Maps, Mirko, Matthew VandenBrook, Seagram Murals, Andrew Weathers and plenty more.
Vegas Mode by Steve Hauschildt on Sequitur (NA) -
Oversleeper by Seagram Murals on Oversleeper (NA) -
Endless Falls by Loscil (w/Kelly Wyse) on Intervalo (NA) -
Etoile Polaire by Philip Glass on North Star (Virgin) -
Susquehanna River by Andrew Weathers on Littlefield (Littlefield Editions) -
Amulls by Pan-American on For Waiting, For Chasing (Mosz) -
Orbital Drag by Mirko on Mirko (Room40) -
Always by Wolf Maps on Sun Ghosts (Futuresequence) -
Celestina by Tim Hecker on Mirages (Alien8) -
Slocking by Tujurikkuja on Om De Nimic (Computer Tapes) -
Snow Downing by Villages on The Last Whole Earth (Harvest) -
Sleep With Noise by Giulio Aldinucci on Aer (Dronarivm)