including tracks by Mark Fell, RAIME, Kindohm, Calum Gunn, Venetian Snares, Chris Moss Acid and moar!
Manitutshu... parameter set 2, Linn HI Tom, JazzOrg, vortex study performance overdub, and synthesis reminiscent of Duet Emmo by Mark Fell on Manitutshu (Editions Mego) -
Ripli by RAIME on Planted -
This Can't Be It by Kindohm on Meme Booth (Conditional) -
AndOrBoth by ignatius on Tethered EP (Visit http://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com) -
0003A by Calum Gunn on AA0003 (FLUF) -
Before Calm by Kerrie on Before Calm EP (Don't Be Afraid) -
Broke Melt by Unknown Mobile on Mobile Sorcery (Visit http://planeteuphorique.bandcamp.com) -
Like Tooth Decay by Venetian Snares on Greg Hates Car Culture (20th Anniversary) (Visit http://venetiansnares.bandcamp.com) -
Nightfall by Melanie Velarde on Bez (RVNG Intl.) -
Prioni by Roméo Poirier on Plage Arrière (Visit http://kitrecs.bandcamp.com) -
Fleeting by Motion -
#07 by Happy Trendy on For Trial Listening (Visit http://heart.bandcamp.com) -
/ɪˈrɛɡjʊlə/ by CLD.RĀN on /ˈsʌndri/ (Visit http://cldran.bandcamp.com) -
s_pat8 by Vou on Pattern Studies (Visit http://vouhardy.bandcamp.com) -
0020A by tendencyitis on AA0020 (FLUF) -
APT. 2B by N.Y. House’n Authority on APT. (Visit http://nyhousenauthority.bandcamp.com) -
Untitled_05 by PLOM on AREA 51 HOUSE PARTY EDITS (Visit http://flufrecs.bandcamp.com) -
semi stereo by Epy on autoepy (Visit http://epysodes.bandcamp.com) -
Oil by Ulla Straus on Big Room (Quiet Time Tapes) -
CA2.5 by Church Andrews on CA2 (Visit http://soundhealers.bandcamp.com) -
Untitled 49 by Chris Moss Acid on Channel 303 Cable 909 (Visit http://chrismossacid.bandcamp.com) -
Docteur Flanger by Poborsk on cl-053 | Poborsk - 11 116 (Visit http://crazylanguage.bandcamp.com) -
For the Future by Elmono on Cooper's Dream EP -
Expect Resistance by TILLIANDER on Expect Resistance (iDEAL Recordings) -
AOE by HSXCHCXCXHS on AÅÄ (Visit http://rosten.bandcamp.com) -
Eyebrow by Phoenecia on Brownout (Schematic Music Company)