House of Love Episode #61 Holiday Hangover


  1. Legend of a Cowgirl by Imani Coppola on Chupacbra
  2. Take Me With You by Prince on Purple Rain
  3. Do The Bartman by The Simpsons on The Simpsons Sings The Blues
  4. House of Love by Rupaul on Supermodel Of The World
  5. Down By The Water by PJ Harvey on Dry
  6. Criminal by Fiona Apple on Tidal
  7. Ugly by Violent Femmes on Violent Femmes
  8. Another Day In Paradise by Phil Collins on ...But Seriously
  9. Layla (MTV Unplugged) by Eric Clapton on Unplugged
  10. Do They Owe Us A Living by Crass on Christ: The Album
  11. Go! by Tones On Tail on The Album Pop
  12. The Bondage Song (Unchained Mix) by London After Midnight on Psycho magnet
  13. Sail by AWOLNATION on Megalithic Symphony Deluxe