Join in for a set of my favorite Tim Hecker and Oren Ambarchi pieces in honor of their performance tonight at The Independent here in San Francisco. I'm there, but in case you can't get there, this will be just what you need.
Krakow Knots by Oren Ambarchi on Live Knots (PAN) -
Quixotism #1 by Oren Ambarchi on Quixotism (Editions Mego) -
Chimeras (Live) by Tim Hecker on MusicNOW 10 Years (Brassland) -
21:35:9:11:02 by Tim Hecker on Volt AA (Oral) -
Sketch 1 by Tim Hecker on Dropped Pianos (Kranky) -
Paris - Part I by Oren Ambarchi on TnVO: Live at Instants Chauvres, Paris (Cuneiform)