Happy new year to everyone except JJ Abrams, I suppose. No Magic is back, starting the new year slowly and gently with a set largely made up of contemporary electro/classical genre, as we feature the wonderful new A Winged Victory for the Sullen record The Undivided Five, along with a number of genre adjacent pieces. We also get to play the enticing new track from Moses Sumney, Me in 20 Years.
Tocyn (feat. Gruff Rhys) by Whyte Horses on Tocyn (CRC) -
Tell Them Wheere to Go by Cable Ties on Tell Them Where to Go/Choking to Choose (Merge) - Break
Soft Shape by Empath on Active Listening: Night on Earth (Get better) -
Medieval Wall by Eddy Current Suppression Ring on All in Good Time (Castle Face Records) -
Running by Gauche on A People's History of Gauche (Merge) - Break
Our Lord Debussy by A Winged Victory For The Sullen on The Undivided Five (Ninja Tune) -
Event Horizon by Max Richter on Ad Astra (Deutsche Grammophon) - Break
One Thing Leads to Another by Ionna Gika on One Thing Leads to Another (Sargent House) -
Me in 20 Years by Moses Sumney on Græ (Jagjaguar) -
Fortune by Wye Oak on Fortune (Merge Records) -
The Rhythm Of A Dividing Pair by A Winged Victory For The Sullen on The Undivided Five (Ninja Tune) -
Ether by Mogwai on Atomic (Temporary Residence) - Break
Blue Monday by HEALTH on Atomic Blonde OST (Back Lot) -
Sunrise by New Order on Low-Life (Factory) - Break
The Slow Descent Has Begun by A Winged Victory For The Sullen on The Undivided Five (Ninja Tune) -
Milly's Theme by David Housden on Q.U.B.E. 2 (Self Released) -
Golden Times 1 by Ben Lukas Boysen on Spells (Erased Tapes) -
Monsters Theme by Jon Hopkins on Monsters OST (Vertigo) - Break
It's Cold Out by Jawnino on It's Cold Out (Self Released) -
You and I by Caribou on You and I (Merge)