Good Morning, This is Louise. Episode 54 - Spiral Time
featuring source music of Olivia Louvel, Priscilla Ermel, Lucy Gooch, Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi, and Blondie
programmed and produced by rhan small ernst
💙 Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa 🔵

Use Your Own Body by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
Must Carve a Stone by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
I Draw What I Feel in My Body by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
A Woman Artist Not Deprived by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
I, The Sculptor by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
The Weaver by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
Studio by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
Conversation with Magic Stones by Olivia Louvel on Sculptor (Cat Werk Imprint) -
Luar by Priscilla Ermel on Origens Da Luz (Music From Memory) -
Martim Pescador by Priscilla Ermel on Origens Da Luz (Music from memory) -
Campo De Sonhos by Priscilla Ermel on Origens Da Luz (Music From Memory) -
Origens Da Luz by Priscilla Ermel on Origens Da Luz (Music From Memory) -
Meditaçâo by Priscilla Ermel on Origens Da Luz (Music From Memory) -
My Lights Kiss Your Thoughts Every Moment by Lucy Gooch on Rushing - EP (Past Inside the Present) -
Rushing by Lucy Gooch on Rushing - EP (Past Inside the Present) -
Stalagmites & Helictites by Lucy Gooch on Rushing - EP (Past Inside the Present) -
Sun by Lucy Gooch on Rushing - EP (Past Inside the Present) -
There Is a Space in Between by Lucy Gooch on Rushing - EP (Past Inside The Present) -
Saxiran Saxiran by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Hack Sat Zoom by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Adieu La Vie Adieu La Vie by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Intemporel by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Harmonium Odyssey by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Floating in Space by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Le Temps Spiral by Ariel Kalma & Sarah Davachi on Intemporel (Ariel Kalma) -
Follow Me by Blondie on Autoamerican (Capitol Records Inc.)