A companion to last week's mixtape: No words. Just music. Thanks for listening.
The Loose Canon Listening Club will return...
Orbit by Daniel Wohl on État (New Amsterdam/Nonesuch) -
Nighttime Birds and Morning Stars by Sarah Louise on Nighttime Birds and Morning Stars (Thrill Jockey) -
La Ballade d'Alain Georges by The Dead Texan on The Dead Texan (Kranky) -
Reprise by This Will Destroy You on Tunnel Blanket (Suicide Squeeze) -
Seeing More by Areni Agbabian on Bloom (ECM) -
Dream Pauline by Kelly Moran on Optimist (kellymoran.bandcamp.com) -
Goodbye Enemy Airship by Do Make Say Think on Goodbye Enemy Airship The Landlord Is Dead (Constellation) -
August by Majel Connery (feat. Oracle Hysterical) on Anything Chartreuse (majelconnery.bandcamp.com) -
Who are You by Molly Joyce on Breaking and Entering (New Amsterdam) -
RESPECT by Religious Girls on PURE ENERGY (Porch Party) -
Quiet: Pt. 5 – Anthem by Methods Body on Methods Body (New Amsterdam) -
No Land by Buke and Gase on Scholars (Brassland) -
Broken Heartbeats Gathered And Rebroadcast by The Cancer Conspiracy on The Audio Medium (Big Wheel Recreation) -
I Picked You Up by Bec Plexus on Sticklip (New Amsterdam) -
Build with Erosion by The Berg Sans Nipple on Build With Erosion (Team Love) -
Paramour by Anna Meredith on FIBS (Moshi Moshi) -
Kid You'll Move Mountains by Caribou on Up In Flames (The Leaf Label Ltd) -
To Feel Your Best by Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith on The Kid (Western Vinyl) -
These Are The Armies Of The Tyrannized by Kaki King on ...Until We Felt Red (Velour) -
Charybdis by Covet on Currents (covetband.bandcamp.com) -
Titan by The Physics House Band on Horizons / Rapture (Unearthly Vision) -
A Super Hero Anthem by Torngat on You Could Be (Alien8) -
The Upwards March by Bell Orchestre on Recording A Tape The Colour Of The Light (Rough Trade) -
Oh, Command Me Lord ! by Gwenifer Raymond on You Never Were Much Of A Dancer (Tompkins Square)