Tactil by Miguel Noya on Canciónes Intactas (Phantom Limb) -
Undergrowth by Zenzizenz on Create Greenness (let's play house) -
In the Last Life, We Were a Winter by Offthesky & The Humble Bee on We Were the Hum of Dreams (LAAPS) -
Transparent Tickle Shining Glace by Pantha du Prince on Conference of Trees (BMG Rights Management GmbH) -
Caracas Night (September 11, 1975) by Jon Hassell on Vernal Equinox (Remastered) (self released) -
Shadow Dance by Salamanda on Glass Cage (self released) -
One Last Dance by Hodge on Shadows in Blue (Houndstooth) -
Dissonance by Santilli on Breathing Space (ken oath) -
Ambient Energy Manipulation by Mediated Ambience on Sound explorations for a preferred state of being (help) -
Hotel Exile by Baba Stiltz on Total (Studio Barnhus) -
this is for you by Four Tet on Sixteen Oceans (Text) -
A Raft by Land Trance on First Seance (Dense Truth) -
Boa by Sam Gendel & Sam Wilkes on Music for Saxofone & Bass Guitar (leaving) -
Birds Fly by Flapping Their Wings by Biosphere on Dropsonde (Biophon) -
Bobinsana by ALUNA on Raíces (self released) -
Erva Dos Sonhos by Peter Power & Psilosamples on Time, Tone & Texture (Invisible, Inc.) -
Selvas De Ewaipanomas by Molero on Ficciones Del Trópico (Holuzam) -
Tales From The Cymatic Abyss - Part I by Wave Temples on Tales From The Cymatic Abyss (not not fun)