We pick up this week's mixtape where last week's ended. I also indulge in a couple long tracks: "Jenny Ondioline" by Stereolab and seamless Tortoise remixes "Alcohall," "Your New Rod," "Cobwebbed," "The Match Incident," "Tin Cans (The Puerto Rican Mix)," and "Not Quite East Of The Ryan" off the out-of-print Rhythms, Resolutions & Clusters. Enjoy!
The Loose Canon Listening Club will return...
I Can't Believe It's True by The Halo Benders on God Don't Make No Junk (K) -
Allergic Boy by Victoria Williams on Musings Of A Creek Dipper (Atlantic) -
Where Would I Be? by CAKE on Prolonging The Magic (Capricorn) -
Planetary by Rainer Maria on Look Now Look Again (Polyvinyl) -
Southern Belle by Palehound (Kill Rock Stars) New -
The Honey Trip by Mistle Thrush on Silt (Bedazzled) -
Heal by Catherine Wheel on Happy Days (Mercury/Polygram) -
Requator by Ida on I Know About You (Simple Machines) -
Burn In Hell by The Jazz June on The Boom, The Motion And The Music (Initial) -
Virgo by The Courtneys on II (Flying Nun) -
Like Fire by Bully on SUGAREGG (Sub Pop) New -
Spiral by Wild Moth on Over, Again (Asian Man) Local -
This Is For Me And I Know Everyone Knows by Blonde Redhead on In An Expression Of The Inexpressible (Touch and Go) -
Geek USA by Smashing Pumpkins on Siamese Dream (Virgin) -
Step Into You by Hum on Inlet (Polyvinyl) -
Jenny Ondioline by Stereolab on Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements (Elektra) -
Alcohall - Your New Rod - Cobwebbed - The Match Incident - Tin Cans (The Puerto Rican Mix) - Not Quite East Of The Ryan by Tortoise on Rhythms, Resolutions & Clusters (Thrill Jockey) -
Electioneering by Radiohead on OK Computer (Capitol)