A heavy set this week, featuring new music by Zeal and Ardor and L.A.'s Sprain, as well as recent tracks by Be Well, Crack Cloud, and Mrs. Piss. I also spin some classics by Suicidal Tendencies, Refused, and Unwound. Enjoy the scream therapy.
The Loose Canon Listening Club will return...
Part III by Sparrows Swarm And Sing on Untitled #2 (The Perpetual Motion Machine) -
Post Truth (Birth Of A Nation) by Crack Cloud on Pain Olympics (Meat Machine) -
Heat Lightning by Bambara on Stray (Wharf Cat) -
Lowest Common Denominator by Unwound on Repetition (Kill Rock Stars) -
Betrayed by CONTROL TOP on Covert Contracts (Get Better) -
Prison by Wild Moth on Mourning Glow (Asian Man) Local -
Cold & Well-Lit Place by Oxbow on Thin Black Duke (Hydra Head) Local -
Live At The Apocalypse Cabaret by The Blood Brothers on Crimes (V2) -
Fathers Of Daughters by Black Eyes on Cough (Dischord) -
Trust No One by Zeal and Ardor on Wake of a Nation EP (MVKA) New -
Fiery by Daughters on Hell Songs (Hydra Head) -
Worship House by Sprain on As Lost Through Collision (The Flenser) New -
A Dawn to Fear by Cult of Luna on A Dawn to Fear (Metal Blade) -
We Stood Transfixed In Blank Devotion As Our Leader Spoke To Us, Looking Down On Our Mute Faces With A Great, Raging, And Unseeing Eye. by Red Sparowes on Every Red Heart Shines Toward The Red Sun (Neurot) -
Take My Bones Away by Baroness on Yellow & Green (Relapse) -
Not In Rivers, But In Drops by ISIS on In The Absence Of Truth (Ipecac) -
Ethric Double by These Arms Are Snakes on Tail Swallower And Dove (Suicide Squeeze) -
Fundamental Error by Boris on NO (self released) -
Deadly Rhythm by Refused on The Shape Of Punk To Come: A Chimerical Bombation In 12 Bursts (Victory) -
M.B.O.T.W.O. by Mrs. Piss on Self-Surgery (Sargent House) -
Two Sided Politics by Suicidal Tendencies on Suicidal Tendencies (Frontier) -
Leave It In The Dirt by The Explosion on Flash Flash Flash (Jade Tree) -
Street Justice by Death Valley Girls on Darkness Rains (Suicide Squeeze) -
Bloody But Unbowed by Planes Mistaken For Stars on Fuck With Fire (No Idea) -
A New Morning, Changing Weather by The (International) Noise Conspiracy on A New Morning, Changing Weather (Burning Heart/Epitaph) -
Longing by Be Well on The Weight and The Cost (Equal Vision)