Good Morning, This is Louise.
Episode 86 - Evening Suite
featuring music by Ivy Sole, メトロノリ Metoronori, Arlo Parks, ọmọlólù, Lee Clarke, Ivy Sole & Kingsley Ibeneche
with the voice of Francis Lucille and the binaural ambient recordings of Nomadic Ambience
programmed and produced by @small_ernst
Namo Guan Shi Yin Pusa
Thank you for listening

Southpaw by Ivy Sole on Southpaw - EP (Les Fleurs Records) -
Evenings / ランプのように / 屋根の上より by メトロノリ Metoronori on Evenings (Self Released) -
Caroline by Arlo Parks on Collapsed In Sunbeams (Transgressive Records Ltd) -
bluuu BE uuu ooo by Omololu on Laiii 222 Rest Ooo - EP (Don Giovanni Records) -
m / 窓辺の顔 / Timer cut by メトロノリ Metoronori on Evenings (Self Released) -
KISMET (feat. lojii) by Ivy Sole on Southpaw - EP (Les Fleurs Records) -
Black Dog by Arlo Parks on Collapsed In Sunbeams (Don Giovanni) -
Wendy / ball of fire / 灰、chasse by メトロノリ Metoronori on Evenings (Self Released) -
Tr(U)l(iii) by Omololu on Laiii 222 Rest Ooo - EP (Transgressive Records Ltd.) -
Bittersweet by Ivy Sole on Southpaw - EP (Les Fleurs Records) -
Green Eyes by Arlo Parks on Collapsed In Sunbeams (Don Giovanni) -
flesh alone / 蔦:星 by メトロノリ Metoronori on Evenings (Self Released) -
Eugene by Arlo Parks on Collapsed In Sunbeams (Don Giovanni) -
Name It by Ivy Sole on Southpaw - EP (Les Fleurs Records) -
DIVINEliii PLANNED by Omololu on Laiii 222 Rest Ooo - EP (Transgressive Records Ltd.) -
車の軋りに (To the squeaking of cars) / 夜の人々 by メトロノリ Metoronori on Evenings (Self Released) -
Heavy by Ivy Sole on Southpaw - EP (Les Fleurs Records) -
“?” Letter by Metoronori on “?” Letter - EP (Self-Released) -
Evaporate by Lee Clarke, Ivy Sole & Kingsley Ibeneche (Astro Nautico)