Things Haven't Been the Same (Since You Got Back From Italy) by L A N D L I N E S on Log Out, Tune Up, Drop Dead (Visit http://landlinesportland.bandcamp.com) -
i held my baby at the high school hop by kurt on miami carey (Visit http://kurtinder.bandcamp.com) -
Last Night I Made A Tape by Mark Wynn on Skivvy: A Much More Noble Occupation (Visit http://markwynn.bandcamp.com) -
Louis by The Pooches on Dinner Date (Visit http://thepooches.bandcamp.com) -
Fran Drescher by Larry & the Babes on The Dolphin Tapes (Visit http://larryandthebabes.bandcamp.com) -
twenty five by the fuku on i can hope my brain will change (Visit http://thefuku.bandcamp.com) -
She's So Young (The Pursuit of Happiness cover) by Lab Coast on CS031 - Away From Here (Visit http://craftsingles.bandcamp.com) -
song from sanford raccoon by Jacob Borshard on The Last Brontosaurus (Label) -
Close by Lizard Kisses on In The Morning b/w Close 7 (Visit http://lizardkisses.bandcamp.com) -
Sleep All Day by Ovens on Beau Goes To The Hospital (Lebl) -
Cassandra B. by Posse on Soft Opening (Visit http://posseposse.bandcamp.com) -
Spider's Home by Michael O. on Really? (Visit http://fruitsandflowers.bandcamp.com) -
Bottle-O Farrell by The S-Bends on Makin' Tracks (Visit http://borntoloserecords.bandcamp.com) -
Hey Joan by The Stammer on Hey Joan (Visit http://thestammer.bandcamp.com) -
Sugar by Starry Eyed Cadet on Starry Eyed Cadet (Visit http://starryeyedcadet.bandcamp.com) -
motor away by halfsour on under the pickles, under the brine (Visit http://halfsour.bandcamp.com) -
Rude Boy by Diners on Throw Me a Ten (Visit http://diners.bandcamp.com) -
Lost on the River by Radiator Hospital on Hank Williams Compilation (Visit http://birdtapes.bandcamp.com) -
Angel of Death by Pill Friends on Hank Williams Compilation (Visit http://birdtapes.bandcamp.com) -
Aloha, Mr. Hand by Benny The Jet Rodriguez on Home. Run. (Amazon.com Song ID: 239569519) -
Stopped & Stared by Pennycress on SEE US SWELL (Visit http://pennycress.bandcamp.com) -
For Arlincita by Franny & Zooey on Bottled Up And Ready To Go (Visit http://frannyzooey.bandcamp.com) -
WHY DO YOU ACT SO SERIOUS by PLAYING TOURIST on DEMOS (Visit http://playingtourist.bandcamp.com) -
Rocky by flout on gims (Visit http://artishardrecords.bandcamp.com) -
What Would You Do If I Sang Out Of Tuna by Happy on Swan Songs Vol. 1 (Visit http://happysf.bandcamp.com) -
New Operation by Honey Bucket on Futon (Visit http://honey-bucket.bandcamp.com) -
Lemonhead Boy by Jessica & The Fletchers on TD - 08 ''Jessica & The Fletchers / The Prams -Split Cassette'' (Visit http://tigrediscs.bandcamp.com) -
Mess by The Prams on TD - 08 ''Jessica & The Fletchers / The Prams -Split Cassette'' (Visit http://tigrediscs.bandcamp.com) -
el dorado by ice cream social on what time is the (Visit http://icecreamsocialbandcamp.bandcamp.com) -
indoor pool by spring onion on high school buddies (Visit http://springonion.bandcamp.com) -
W.W.K.D (What Would Kitty Do?) by Alfred Daniels Midland on Giraffe Pop Music Combo (label) -
Another Shit Teen Movie by Dog Legs on Dog Legs - Awkward EP (Visit http://riotsnotdiets.bandcamp.com) -
Such A Shame by Let's Say We Did on Such A Shame EP (Visit http://letssaywedid.bandcamp.com) -
No Deal by woolen men on Rain Shapes EP (Visit http://woolenmen.bandcamp.com) -
july by golden hour on GOLDEN HOUR (Visit http://goldenhourband.bandcamp.com) -
Sunchokes by SPORTS on Sunchokes (Visit http://therealsports.bandcamp.com) -
today by cry about it on cry about it (Visit http://cryaboutit.bandcamp.com) -
Mature Gracefully (I Do Not Work For Anyone) by Younger Lovers on Rock Flawless (label) -
Pale by Young Romance on Young Romance (Visit http://youngromance.bandcamp.com) -
Feel The Pain by Dinosaur Jr. on Without A Sound (label) -
Jellybean by Kenickie on Catsuit City 7 (label) -
Fim da Estrada by Treli Feli Repi on Mau Comportamento (EP) (Transfusão Noise Records. TNR.063) -
Aimee by Bearhug on So Gone (label) -
Need Ya by Claire & The Cops on Lounge Lovers (Visit http://borntoloserecords.bandcamp.com) -
small talk by American Culture on BOYRACER and AMERICAN CULTURE split (Visit http://emotional-response-recs.bandcamp.com) -
festering brine by BAD DADDIES on BAD DADDIES + HARD LEFT split EP (Visit http://emotional-response-recs.bandcamp.com) -
Out the Window by Bam! Bam! on Bam! Bam! (Visit http://hhbtmrecords.bandcamp.com)