Was fortunate enough to chat with the talented, Haich Ber Na. His newest EP, From Then Til Now, debuted on the 17th - four tracks, pop forward with a psychedelic twist, super dance-y yet experimental.


  1. Interview w/ Haich Ber Na by Interview w/ Haich Ber Na on Interview w/ Haich Ber Na (Interview w/ Haich Ber Na)
  2. Featured 87 Days by Haich Ber Na on From Then, Til Now (HQI) New
  3. Featured 0594 Help by Haich Ber Na on From Then, Til Now (HQI) New
  4. Interview w/ Haich Ber Na by Interview w/ Haich Ber Na on Interview w/ Haich Ber Na (Interview w/ Haich Ber Na)
  5. Featured Both Ways by Haich Ber Na on From Then, Til Now (HQI) New
  6. Featured Think About It by Haich Ber Na on From Then, Til Now (HQI) New
  7. Don't Go by Haich Ber Na on Unbalanced (RAGS)
  8. Nowhere Like It by Haich Ber Na on Everywhere's Home (RAGS)
  9. Another Human Brain by Haich Ber Na on Everywhere's Home (RAGS)
  10. By Floras by Haich Ber Na on By Floras (RAGS)
  11. Hypocrite by Haich Ber Na on Unbalanced (RAGS)
  12. Pariah by Haich Ber Na on Unbalanced (RAGS)