'Sounds is out of town for a couple of weeks so enjoy an oldie but goodie!
Strange The Things I Remember by David Newlyn on Like The Work Of A Man Who Has Seen A Ghost (Collected Compilation Tracks 2006 - 2015) (David Newlyn) -
French Movie Theme by The Holydrug Couple on Moonlust (Sacred Bones) -
Dream Of TV by Circuit des Yeux on In Plain Speech (Circuit des Yeux) -
August 22nd by Altars Altars on 1864 (Cassette and CDr) (Found Toys) -
Outpost by Tyondai Braxton on HIVE1 (Nonesuch) -
The Mutated Wisdom by Marumari on Supermogadon (Carpark) -
Halloween by Sóley on Ask The Deep (Morr Music) -
Disorder 14E by Alex Menzies on Order & Disorder (Kathexis) -
Fluidic Space by Ithaca Trio on We Like Ambient (Curated by The Sly and Unseen) (Hibernate) -
Meteor Heart by Shuttle358 on Can You Prove I Was Born (12k) -
The Luxury of Without by Konntinent on The Empire Line (Home Normal) -
Charm Intersection by Andrew Tuttle on Slowcation (Room40) -
Speaking Of Things As Yet Unseen by Tiny Leaves on A Good Land, An Excellent Land (http://tinyleaves.bandcamp.com) -
There Are No Corners in This Dimension / Vanishing Point by Hobo Cubes on Perceptive Pulses (Orange Milk) -
Pattern Repeating by Elliot Moss on Highspeeds (Grand Jury) -
Munroe by Radio Scotvoid on SLOW (Rec72) -
Gusentisa by The Sly and Unseen on All Similarities And Technical Difficulties End Here (The Sly and Unseen) -
Everything You Love by Eskimeaux on O.K. (Double Double Whammy) -
p3. allegreto by Nicolas Bernier on Music For A Piano (Home Normal) -
Push N' Spun by Lapalux on Lustmore (Ninja Tune) -
Atarashii hi (Pawn/Hideki Umezawa remix) by Gurun Gurun on Atarashii hi EP (Home Normal)