Our 72nd episode of Despair on the Air where we welcome a very special guest, Tyler of Diners!
Find Diners on Bandcamp, Patreon, Spotify, Instagram, and Twitter.
Follow Despair on the Air on Instagram, Twitter, Mixcloud, & Spotify.Playlist
T.O.C. by Why Dogs Why (#veryjazzed) New -
Featured Spinning the Yarn by Diners on Leisure World (Lauren) Local -
Nobody Loves You by Similar Kind (Nobody Gets It) -
Fiesta Dentist by yipee on Perfect (Self-Released) -
Don't Get Hit By A Car by Cheekface on Empahtically No. (New Professor) New -
Bikes at Sunset by Worrystone (Self-Released) New -
Burn Alive by Orchards on Lovecore (Big Scary Monsters) -
Wish Erase by tomemitsu, V.V. Lightbody, & Lala Lala (Friends of Friends) New -
Moonlight Reflection by Triptides (Alive Natural Sounds) New -
Hopeless by Jangus Kangus on Santa Fe Sessions (Hand Salad)