Our 70th episode of Despair on the Air where we welcome a very special guest, Wanda Wesolowski of the band Wanda!
Find Wanda on their Website, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube, & Instagram.
Follow Despair on the Air on Instagram, Twitter, Mixcloud, & Spotify.Playlist
Nobody Waits by Mal Blum on Nobody Waits (Saddle Creek) -
Featured Virginia Is For Lovers by Wanda on One Hit (Self-Released) New - Break
Immune by Jensen McRae (Human Resources) New -
Like I Do by Molly Martin on What You Need (Tone Tree) -
Low by Black Ends on Stay Evil (Self-Released) -
I Wish I Was Dead by Them Damn Dogs (Self-Released) -
Baby by Merce Lemon on Moonth (Darling) - Break
Picture of You by Madeline Kenney on Sucker's Lunch (Carpark) Local -
Come & Go by Denise T. on I'm Really Great Inside (bby carrots productions) -
Life and Death by Astronaut Husband & Blue Boredom on Moon Songs (Self-Released) New