Kosmosi by Saphileaum on Transpersonal Experience (good morning tapes) -
Bird Ambience by Masayoshi Fujita on Bird Ambience (Erased Tapes Records Ltd.) -
Smoky Place (feat. Soungallo Diarra) by Midnight Ravers on Le triomphe du chaos (Blanc Manioc) -
Tsuchi by Satomimagae on Hanazono (Satomimagae) -
Myths and Facts by Haco on Nova Naturo (Room40) -
Deep Forest by Rising Sun (Backcatalogue BVBA, Belgium) -
Sunchemical Bismuth by O Yuki Conjugate on Sunchemical (Optimo Music) -
Nacht Plätscher by Boozoo Bajou (Apollo Records) -
Torch Dance by Masahiro Takahashi on Flowering Tree, Distant Moon (Not Not Fun) -
Forest From the Trees by Alex Albrecht pres. Melquíades & Sean La'Brooy on Campfire Stories (Alexander Albrecht) -
Once Again by Rich Ruth on Where There's Life (Rich Ruth) -
Quite, Please by Simon Dobson on MDCNL (Lo Recordings) -
Sea Kaleidoscope by X.Y.R. on Waves Tapes (Constellation Tatsu) -
Island Haze 1 by COCONUT DEALERS on S/T (Not Not Fun Records) -
Bounty (Coral Sea Remix) by Private Agenda on Submersion - EP (Lo Recordings) -
Wild Woods by Tomu DJ on Ambient 2 (self released)