

  1. Featured Ancient Monument by Belia Winnewisser on SODA (Präsens Editionen) New
  2. Need Be by L'Rain on Fatigue (Mexican Summer) New
  3. Featured Flutter by Bendik Giske on Cracks (Smalltown Supersound) New
  4. You Disappear You Find Yourself Again by Perila on How much time it is between you and me? (Smalltown Supersound) New
  5. Featured Insecure by IVVVO on Greatest Hits, Archive 2010​-​2015 (Lith Dolina) New
  6. Steel Impression by Booker Stardrum on CRATER (NNA Tapes) New
  7. Rushes Receded by Sarah Davachi on Antiphonals (Late Music) New
  8. Angel by CTM and August Rosenbaum on Celeste (Posh Isolation) New
  9. Dark, Perplexing, Ruptures of Plane by Yann Novak on Lifeblood of Light and Rapture (Room40) New
  10. Featured Treat Em Right (Boards of Canada Remix) by Nevermen on Treat Em Right (Boards of Canada Remix) (Lex Records) New
  11. For New York by Richard Skelton on Four (Corbel Stone Press) New