"Your whole entire life is your soulmate."
-Chani Nicholas
Spellling, "Turning Wheel" (Official Video)
Shannon Lay, "Awaken and Allow/Geist" (Official Video)
Royce's radio show, "destination nowhere" on LA's moon glow radio
Vernal Equinox, "Sunrise"
Shannon Lay, "Awaken and Allow"
Spellling, "Turning Wheel"
Japanese Breakfast, "Paprika"
Marisssa Nadler, "Lonely People"
Cold Beat, "See You Again"
Sui Zhen, "Natural Progression"
Flesh of Morning, "Sweet"
Nailah Hunter, "Bassin Bleu"
Marinero, "Beyond the Rainbow Tunnel"
April & June, "Summer Bruises"
Primal Wound, "Hyperion"
Loveshadow, "Wildflowers"
Alice Phoebe Lou, "Witches"
Brijean, "Day Dreaming"
Kekko, "Past Lives"
Ah-Mer-Ah-Su, "We Got It All"
harumi, "We Love"
Abracadabra, "Riding in Your Mind"
Tears for Fears, "Mad World"
El Perro del Mar, "Dreamers change the world"
Laurence-Anne, "Romance"
Marianne Faithfull, "She Walks in Beauty (with Warren Ellis)
Choir Boy, "Angel Dog"
Colleen, "Everyone Alive Wants Answers"
Body/Negative, "Song To the Siren (feat. Vinyl Williams)"
Belle Mare, "The Boat of the Fragile Mind"
Chasms, "We'll Go"
Suicide, "Dream Baby Dream"
Hiroshi Yoshimura, "Feel"
Patti Smiths reads her song, "People Have the Power"
Music under my voice: Eydís Evensen & Ed Carlsen, "Wandering II (Ed Carlsen Rework)"
Sunrise by Vernal Equinox on New Found World (℗ 2019 Numero Group) -
Awaken and Allow by Shannon Lay on Geist (℗ 2021 Sub Pop Records) New -
Turning Wheel by Spellling on The Turning Wheel (Sacred Bones) New Local -
Paprika by Japanese Breakfast on Jubilee (℗ 2021 Dead Oceans) New -
Lonely People by Marissa Nadler on Instead of Dreaming (℗ 2021 Marissa Nadler Music under exclusive license to Sacred Bones Records) New -
See You Again by Cold Beat (℗ 2021 Like Ltd) New Local -
Natural Progression by Sui Zhen on Losing, Linda (℗ 2019 Cascine) -
Sweet by Flesh of Morning on Here In Heaven (℗ 2021 Blind Rage Records) New -
Bassin Bleu by Nailah Hunter (℗ 2020 Mexican Summer, LLC) -
Beyond the Rainbow Tunnel by Marinero on Hella Love (℗ 2021 Hardly Art) New Local -
Summer Bruises by April & June (℗ 2021 Spirit Goth Records) New -
Hyperion by Primal Wound (℗ 2021 Manimal Group, LLC) New Local -
Wildflowers by Loveshadow on Loveshadow (℗ 2021 Music From Memory) -
Witches by Alice Phoebe Lou (℗ 2020 Alice Phoebe Lou) -
Day Dreaming by Brijean on Feelings (℗ 2021 Ghostly International) New Local -
Past Lives by Kekko on Dreaming Life - EP (℗ 2021 Spirit Goth Records) New -
We Got It All by Ah-Mer-Ah-Su (℗ 2021 DERO Arcade) New -
We Love by harumi on Harumi - Remastered (℗ 2014 The Orchard House) -
Riding in Your Mind by Abracadabra on Abracadabra (℗ 2020 Anniversary) Local -
Mad World by Tears for Fears on The Hurting (Deluxe Edition) (This Compilation ℗ 2013 Mercury Records Limited) -
Dreamers change the world by El Perro del Mar (The Control Group) -
Romance by Laurence-Anne on Musivision (Bonsound) -
She Walks in Beauty (with Warren Ellis) by Marianne Faithfull on She Walks in Beauty (with Warren Ellis) (Panta Rei) New -
Angel Dog by Choir Boy on Passive with Desire (℗ 2016 Dais Records) -
Everyone Alive Wants Answers by Colleen on Everyone Alive Wants Answers (℗ 2003 Thrill Jockey Records) -
Song To the Siren (feat. Vinyl Williams) by Body/Negative (self released) New -
The Boat of the Fragile Mind by Belle Mare on The Boat of the Fragile Mind (℗ 2013 Belle Mare) -
We'll Go by Chasms on On The Legs of Love Purified (Felte Records) -
Dream Baby Dream by Suicide on The Second Album + The First Rehearsal Tapes (Mute Records) -
Feel by Hiroshi Yoshimura on Green (2020 Light In The Attic Records) -
Wandering II (Ed Carlsen Rework) by Eydís Evensen & Ed Carlsen (℗ 2021 XXIM Records, a label of Sony Music Entertainment)