Pulse Width Mornings - Episode 3


  1. Shudder by Cheapshot on zOMG!! (8bitpeoples)
  2. Eight Vic Day by Ten and Tracer on Dark Before Dawn (8bitpeoples)
  3. nononoJUMP by Nullsleep on Hello World (8bitpeoples)
  4. ¡WEPAAA! by minusbaby on Monkey Patch (8bitpeoples)
  5. Bent Thumbs by Nullsleep on Click Bleep Click (8bitpeoples)
  6. Blocky Door by Nullsleep on Hello World (8bitpeoples)
  7. Monkey Patch by minusbaby on Monkey Patch (8bitpeoples)
  8. a train to the stars by 8rix on Ascend Together (TBD)
  9. Arps and Arcs by Animal Style on Open Air (TBD)
  10. Funktify by Mr. Spastic on Claps and Leads (TBD)
  11. Pappap by Goto80 on Contech (8bitpeoples)
  12. Green Lens by Yuppster on Simon EP (8bitpeoples)
  13. A B Combo by Vim! on Extended Loo Break (8bitpeoples)
  14. Eight Vic Day by Ten and Tracer on Dark Before Dawn (8bitpeoples)
  15. Water2 (Wetter) by The J. Arthur Keenes Band on Computer Savvy (8bitpeoples)
  16. Frisbee Friendz by Nullsleep on Hello World (8bitpeoples)
  17. Wow7 by Handheld on Muggle Trick (TBD)
  18. Open Air by Animal Style on Open Air (TBD)
  19. A Scent of All i Learned by 8 Gigue-Bits on Ascend Together (TBD)
  20. a train to the stars by 8rix on Ascend Together (TBD)
  21. Micawber's Moan by random on Bad Joke EP (8bitpeoples)
  22. Supernova Kiss by Nullsleep on Unconditional Acceleration (8bitpeoples)
  23. Antibiotics Bitch by Animal Style on TRENCHVENT (8bitpeoples)
  24. Ter4 by Goto80 on Contech (8bitpeoples)
  25. organelle by exileFaker on Ockham's Chainsaw (8bitpeoples)
  26. Eight Vic Day by Ten and Tracer on Dark Before Dawn (8bitpeoples)
  27. Paralleligram by Tangible on LOL (8bitpeoples)
  28. The Battle Continues by RushJet1 on Sounds of the 2A03 (8bitpeoples)
  29. Robot Sneakers by Trash80 on Icarus (Self-Released)
  30. Story of the Constellations by RushJet1 on Out There (8bitpeoples)
  31. Nebula by RushJet1 on Out There (8bitpeoples)
  32. Eight Vic Day by Ten and Tracer on Dark Before Dawn (8bitpeoples)
  33. Mustard by Saskrotch on I'll Have You Naked by the End of This ROM (TBD)
  34. Tension by RushJet1 on Out There (8bitpeoples)
  35. THE BEST 2 Minutes 14 Seconds OF YOUR LIFE (Peanut Plains) by PROTODOME on Milky Way Wishes: A Kirby Super Star Tribute (TBD)
  36. Destruction - The New Beginning (Rmx) by Dafunk on RKO-2007 Complete (Self-Released)
  37. Rambo Highscore by OJ Oscillation on RKO-2019 Complete (Self-Released)
  38. Airscape Ride (Pete's Kickback remix) by Peter W on RKO-2007 Complete (Self-Released)
  39. Chartreuse Cactus by I, Cactus on I, Cactus (8bitpeoples)
  40. Warm Vic by Ten and Tracer on Dark Before Dawn (TBD)