I’ve been working on this playlist for a while now, which is basically what I’m listening to when I’m behind the scenes of this show: at my house, in the car, walking around, these are all songs that have recently moved me in some way, enjoy.
Listen to the playlist on Spotify!
Shannon & The Clams- "All Of My Cryin'" (Official Video)
Ghost of a Podcast (Oakland astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo)
Beautiful Chorus, "Breathe It In"
Dorothy Ashby, "Soul Vibrations"
Dunkelziffer, "Colours and Soul"
The Beach Boys, "Add Some Music To Your Day"
Anika, "Change"
The House of Love, "Shine On"
Eleven Pond, "Watching Trees"
Loveshadow, "Pleasure Idler"
Shannon & The Clams, "All Of My Cryin'"
The Mamas & The Papas, "Shooting Star"
William DeVaughn, "Be Thankful For What You Got"
Shannon Lay, "A Thread to Find"
Perfume Genius, "Just Like Love"
Arthur Russell, "Love Is Overtaking Me"
Johnny Harris, "Give Peace a Chance"
Marianne Faithful, "Surprised by Joy (with Warren Ellis)"
Marissa Nadler, "Old Friends/Bookends"
Shuggie Otis, "Someone's Always Singing"
The Beatles, "Tomorrow Never Knows"
Brijean, "Ocean (Sam Gendel Remix)"
Pharoah Sanders, "Colors"
Kim Jung Mi, "Beautiful Rivers and Mountains"
jess joy, "permanent heaven"
Healing Gems, "Moon Tropics"
Spellling, "Turning Wheel"
Mint Field, "Le Hable a la ola del mar"
Zelma Stone, "The Best"
Syd Barrett, "Love You"
Laurence-Anne, "Soleil de cauchemar"
Primal Wound, "Hyperion"
M Sage, Lake Mary, Patrick Shiroishi & Chris Jusell, "Watch the Time"
Radiohead, "Daydreaming"
Music under my voice: Lyra Pramuk, "New Moon"
Breathe It In by Beautiful Chorus on Mantras in Love (℗ 2021 A Love In The World) New -
Soul Vibrations by Dorothy Ashby on Afro-Harping (℗ 1968 The Verve Music Group, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.) -
Colours and Soul by Dunkelziffer on Colours and Soul (℗ 2021 Bureau B) -
Add Some Music To Your Day by The Beach Boys on Feel Flows The Sunflower & Surf’s Up Sessions 1969-1971 (A Capitol Records release; ℗ 2021 Brother Records, Inc., under exclusive license to Capitol Records, LLC) -
Change by Anika on Change (℗ 2021 Sacred Bones Records) New -
Shine On by The House of Love on House of Love (℗ 1990 Mercury Records Limited) -
Watching Trees by Eleven Pond (℗ 2012 Angular Recording Corporation) -
Pleasure Idler by Loveshadow on Loveshadow (℗ 2021 Music From Memory) New Local -
All Of My Cryin' by Shannon & The Clams on Year Of The Spider (℗ 2021 Easy Eye Sound, Distributed by Concord.) New Local -
Shooting Star by The Mamas & The Papas on People Like Us (A Geffen Records Release; ℗ 1971 UMG Recordings, Inc.) -
Be Thankful For What You Got by William DeVaughn on I Love the 70's: 1974 (℗ 2008 K-tel) -
A Thread to Find by Shannon Lay on Geist (℗ 2021 Sub Pop Records) New -
Just Like Love by Perfume Genius on No Shape (℗ 2017 Matador) -
Love Is Overtaking Me by Arthur Russell on Love Is Overtaking Me (℗ 2008 Audika Records) -
Give Peace a Chance by Johnny Harris on Movements (℗ 1969 Warner Records Inc. Marketed by Rhino Entertainment Company, a Warner Music Group Company.) -
Surprised by Joy (with Warren Ellis) by Marianne Faithfull on She Walks in Beauty (with Warren Ellis) (℗ 2021 Panta Rei under exclusive licence to BMG Rights Management (France)) New -
Old Friends/Bookends by Marissa Nadler on Instead of Dreaming (℗ 2021 Sacred Bones Records) New -
Someone's Always Singing by Shuggie Otis on Freedom Flight (℗ Originally released in 1969, 1971. All rights reserved by SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. (P) 2007 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.) -
Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles on Revolver (℗ 2009 The copyright in this audio & audiovisual compilation is owned by EMI Records Ltd) -
Ocean by Brijean (℗ 2021 Ghostly International) New Local -
Colors by Pharoah Sanders on Karma (℗ 1995 UMG Recordings, Inc.) -
Beautiful Rivers and Mountains by Kim Jung Mi on Now (℗ 2012 Lion Productions, LLC) -
permanent heaven by jess joy on PATREEARCHY (℗ 2021 Joyful Noise Recordings & jess joy) New -
Moon Tropics by Healing Gems on Fiesta Pack (℗ 2020 Mock Records) -
Turning Wheel by Spellling on The Turning Wheel (℗ 2021 Sacred Bones Records) New Local -
Le Hable a la ola del mar by Mint Field on Sentimiento Mundial (℗ 2020 felte) -
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) by Gábor Szabó on Spellbinder (The Verve Music Group) -
The Best by Zelma Stone on The Best (Self-released) New Local -
Love You by Syd Barrett on The Madcap Laughs (℗ 2016 Syd Barrett Music Ltd., under exclusive license to Sony Music Entertainment) -
Soleil de cauchemar by Laurence-Anne on Musivision (℗ 2021 Laurence-Anne, under exclusive licence to Bonsound) New -
Hyperion by Primal Wound (℗ 2021 Manimal Group, LLC) New Local -
Watch the Time by M Sage, Lake Mary, Patrick Shiroishi & Chris Jusell on Fuubutsushi (self released) New -
Daydreaming by Radiohead on A Moon Shaped Pool (℗ 2016 LLLP LLP under exclusive license to XL Recordings Ltd) -
New Moon by Lyra Pramuk on Fountain (℗ 2020 Bedroom Community)