Tonight's edition features new Roedelius + Tim Story, Biosphere, Sarah Davachi + Sean McCann, William Orbit, Arovane and tons more!
Shortwave Memories by Biosphere on Shortwave Memories (Biophon) New Biosphere returns to some old-school analog instrumentation. Full record drops on January 21, 2022.
Starbeam by William Orbit on Starbeam (Anjunadeep) New Released on November 19th, title track for a four-tune EP due out on December 1st. I love William Orbit's music - I was always a big Strange Cargo fan. Very excited for this release!
Reihen by Arovane on Reihen (12k) New Fabulous new record from Uwe Zahn, now on Taylor Deupree's 12k label.
Spirit Clock by Roedelius + Tim Story on 4 Hands (Erased Tapes) New Preview of the long-standing friends' piano collaboration
Carry by Martyn Heyne on Electric Intervals (7K!) -
Ho Renomo by Cluster on Cluster and Eno (Sky) -
Charles by Beanfield on Beanfield (Compost) An old favorite of mine from 1996.
Best Mamgu Ever by Underworld on Oblivion With Bells (Side One Recordings) One of my favorite tunes from Karl Hyde and Rick Smith's 7th studio recording as Underworld. The record itself is so-so (everyone loves Crocodile) but the vocal sampling is super catchy on this tune.
SW9 9SL by Four Tet on New Energy (Text) Old Four Tet (2004 and earlier) is my favorite (as are the old Fridge recordings) but this is still a damn good record.
Promises by Andy Stott on It Should Be Us (Modern Love) -
Burned by Seefeel on Succor (Warp) New Well...it's a re-released version of Seefeel's second record. So old and new, a good chance to pick it up on vinyl.
Relief, Pt. 1 by ASUNA, Jan Jelinek on Signals Bulletin (Faitiche) -
Psil-cosyin by The Black Dog on Spanners (Warp) -
Metamorphosis 4 (Phillip Glass) by Murcof + Vanessa Wagner on EP02 (InFine) Interpretation of Glass' Metamorphosis 4 by Fernando Corona (Murcof) and Vanessa Wagner. Part of an EP series featuring re-interpretations of minimalist composers like Glass.
LA in the Rain by Sarah Davachi + Sean McCann on Mother of Pearl (Recital) New Really cool new collaboration between Davachi and McCann.
The Work of Art in the Age of Cultural Overproduction by Tim Hecker on Haunt Me (Sunblind Music)