An Infant's Dream by Frits Wentink & Erik Madigan Heck on Safe Passage (Dekmantel) -
Glas by Mattheis on Het Jaar Rond (Nous'klaer Audio) -
Opus by Shin Sasakubo on Sam Gendel & Shin Sasakubo (CARNET RECORDS) -
Arne's Theme by Keith Secola on Portals (Don Giovanni Records) -
Sol by David Shea on The Art of Memory (Room40) -
Ilu Neiu Kiigel by Kiri Uu on Creak-whoosh (Estonian, Ingrian and Votian song re-imagined in Australia by Olev Muska and Mihkel Tartu) (Stroom) -
L'oiseau by Lucía Fumero (Modern Obscure Music) -
The Way We Descend by Paule Perrier on The Way We Descend (arch) -
Human by UMAN on Chaleur Humaine (UMAN) -
Blue Bonnet of the Seven Stars by aspidistrafly on A Little Fable (KITCHEN. LABEL) -
November, 1st in Detroit by Slow Attack Ensemble on Soundscapes for the Emotional-Type Listener (Mystic Roses) -
Gebroken by Ranie Ribeiro on Het Jaar Rond (Nous'klaer Audio) -
Keruu by Cucina Povera on Dalmarnock Tapes (Mappa Editions) -
Falling in the Waves (feat. James K) by Parris on Soaked in Indigo Moonlight (Can You Feel The Sun) -
A Choir of Angels by Frits Wentink & Erik Madigan Heck on Safe Passage (Dekmantel) -
Hey Who Really Cares (feat. Mr. Joy) by Blunt Chunks (Blunt Chunks) -
Seek Refuge (feat. Tenderlonious, Latarnik & Vox Humana) by Jaubi on Nafs at Peace (feat. Latarnik & Tenderlonious) (Jaubi & Astigmatic Records) -
Blueblack Tomb (Prod. by Andi Toma) by Sissi Rada on Nanodiamond (Kryptox) -
Oedipa Maas y los Àtomos by Bassæ on Kiosque of Arrows 2 (Bureau B) -
Manantial by Azulina on La eternidad (Pedro Canale) -
On the Mountain Realm by Jonny Nash & Ana Stamp on There Up, Behind the Moon (Melody As Truth) -
Sit Around the Fire by Jon Hopkins, Ram Dass & East Forest on Music for Psychedelic Therapy (Domino Recording Co Ltd) -
Liminal by Priori on Your Own Power (Naff under exclusive license to Courage Holdings Inc.) -
Ever New (Kelsey Lu's Transportation) by Beverly Glenn-Copeland on Keyboard Fantasies Reimagined (Transgressive Records Ltd) -
Loop Against Anxiety by Rhode & Brown on Good Things Come To Those Who Fade (Slam City Jams) -
Koishiteiruchocho (feat. Michel Jun Collet) by Nick Foglia on Paradisia Vol. ∞ (Gang of Ducks) -
Yob (Xmas Dub) by Kornél Kovács on Studio Barnhus Xmas 2021 compilation (Studio Barnhus) -
A Joy Forever by ELWD (ELWD) -
Satriale's by FOANS on Gateway (100% silk) -
Sammen by En Anden on Giv Besked (oen records) -
Lotus Bass by Aroma Pitch on Interlife (Public Possession) -
Liv by Lattice on Body of Water (air miles) -
Merry Mrsms by Shakarchi & Stranéus on Studio Barnhus Xmas 2021 compilation (Studio Barnhus)