Tonight's edition features some great recents from The Motion Orchestra, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, SVLBRD, ILUITEQ, Felicia Atkinson, Jon Hopkins, Eternell and plenty more!
Everything We Are by The Motion Orchestra on All One (Bathurst) New Sweet record, came out in November 2021.
Solstice by SLVBRD on Solstice (Faint) New Some beautifully minimal work from SVLBRD ("Svalbard", real name Augustin Mena) off his third record, released last month. A short remix EP came out last week - you can find it on Bandcamp!
Monterrey Paris Texas (feat. Daniel Maloso) by Superpitcher on Velvet Desert Music Vol. 2 (Kompakt) Seriously lovely various artists compilation from Kompakt that came out in 2020. If you've not picked this up already you really should.
The Remains of A Fragile Landscape by ILUITEQ on The Loss of Wilderness (n5MD) Fabulous release from Sergio Calzone and Andrea Belluci that was released on Oakland's n5MD label back in August 2021.
Ascending, Dawn Sky (feat. 7RAYS) by Jon Hopkins on Music for Psychadelic Therapy (Domino) New -
Here Comes The Black Moon by Valium Aggelein on Black Moon (Numero Group) Late 90's one (really two)-off side project of Duster. A truly pleasurable listen. Black Moon is a compilation of VA tunes from their two records - the original releases Dweller and Hier Kommt Der Schwartze Mond are fairly difficult to find and extremely expensive if you do find them, so thanks to this release you can enjoy the full VA catalog without paying an exorbitant sum of money.
SB-09 by Unknown Mortal Orchestra on SB-09 (Jagjaguwar) New Third in a set of singles released in 2021 from the Portland via New Zealand band. UMO typically releases a longform ambient single around the holidays - SB-09 is this year's treat.
Paumalu by Mike Cooper on Rayon Hula (Room40) A classic release from Cooper, initially released in 2005 and subsequently remastered and re-released back in 2020.
Moderato Cantabile by Felicia Atkinson on The Flower and The Vessel (Shelter Press) -
Mir by Eternell on Mir (Eternell) New Eternell is a project of Swedish musician Ludvig Cimbrelius. Mir is a single released last month, coming on the heels of a six-hour long work entitled Nocturne I-V, released under Cimbrelius' Abraco de Vapor moniker.
All Armed by Nils Frahm on All Armed (Erased Tapes) -
Really Deep Snow by Lindstrom on On A Clear Day I Can See You Forever (Smalltown Supersound) Nice little four track EP from Lindstrom, released in 2019. Love the insistent synth ostinato and what seems like a cat walking across a keyboard at one point (disjointed, almost random notes!).
Fjords by Taylor Deupree + Marcus Fischer on Proem (Dauw) New Beautiful Boxing Day present from two outstanding collaborators. Available on Dauw Records.